The object of a gatemaze, much like any other maze, is to travel from a start to a finish
A gatemaze is made up of a quantity of paddocks (or cells) separated by gates
You can only pass through (or over) certain gates according to simple arithmetic rules
The puzzler visits a quantity of paddocks at the end of each of a number of moves
Each gate is allocated a number of bars
Any one move consists of passing a quantity of gates with the same number of bars
The quantity of gates in a move must equal the number of bars in the gates passed
So a move may consist of passing three 'three bar' gates or two 'two bar' gates
A gate cannot be passed then reversed back through immediately
A paddock can be visited more than once in a solution
A gate can be passed more than once in a solution
Arrival at the finish must be at the end of a completed move
Gatemazes can have multiple solutions so each gatemaze has a target quantity of moves
In the example shown two bar gates are green, three bar gates are red and four bar gates are blue.
The first move goes over two green gates, the second over three red gates, the third over four blue gates and the fourth and final move over three red gates.